diff options
authorjake <>2022-02-02 18:11:22 -0500
committerjake <>2022-02-02 18:11:22 -0500
commitd9e3a77d0731df7dc51e5923f069a1b83b7102dd (patch)
parenta7cacde8a841b8b56e48cc07228e827af79541e8 (diff)
now able to access links on the page
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 413 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 17761bb..eddf798 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -28,31 +28,47 @@ use warnings;
use feature qw(refaliasing);
no warnings qw(experimental::refaliasing);
-our $VERSION = 'v1.0.1';
+our $VERSION = 'v1.0.1Tk';
# Modules
use IO::Socket::SSL; # CPAN
use URL::XS qw(parse_url split_url_path parse_url_query); # CPAN
use IO::Pager; # CPAN
require Text::Wrapper; # CPAN
-use Term::ReadKey; # CPAN
+#use Term::ReadKey; # CPAN
use Term::ANSIColor; # Core
use Path::Naive qw(normalize_path); # CPAN
#use Text::ParseWords; # Core
use Term::ReadLine; # CPAN
-#use Smart::Comments; # CPAN
+use Smart::Comments; # CPAN
use URI::Encode qw(uri_encode); # CPAN
use IO::Socket::SSL::Utils; # CPAN
use File::Slurper qw(read_dir read_text); # CPAN
-#use Data::Dumper; # Core
+use Data::Dumper; # Core
use File::BaseDir qw(xdg_config_home xdg_data_home xdg_cache_home); # CPAN
use TOML qw(from_toml to_toml); # CPAN
use Tk;
use Tk::Text;
+use Tk::TextANSIColor;
# sudo cpanm IO::Socket::SSL URL::XS IO::Pager Text::Wraper Term::ReadKey Path::Naive Text::ParseWords Term::ReadLine Smart::Comments URI::Encode IO::Socket::SSL::Utils File::Slurper File::BaseDir TOML Tk
-my $top = MainWindow->new;
+my $top = MainWindow->new(
+ -title=>'Gmi Main Window'
+ );
+my(@bold, @normal, $tag);
+if ($top->depth > 1) {
+ @bold = (-background => '#43ce80', qw/-relief raised -borderwidth 1/);
+ @normal = (-background => undef, qw/-relief flat/);
+else {
+ @bold = (qw/-foreground white -background black/);
+ @normal = (-foreground => undef, -background => undef);
my $control_frame = $top->Frame()
@@ -83,7 +99,7 @@ my $body_frame = $top->Frame()
my $t = $body_frame->Scrolled(
- 'Text',
+ 'TextANSIColor',
@@ -98,15 +114,13 @@ my $t = $body_frame->Scrolled(
my $something = "hello world";
$t->insert('0.0', "$something");
my %config = (
'use_pager' => 1,
'pager_text_wrap_auto' => 1,
'textwrap' => 70, # not used if pager_text_warp_auto is 1
'timeout' => 10,
'pretty_links' => 0,
- 'pretty_headers' => 0,
+ 'pretty_headers' => 1,
'auto_redirect' => 3,
'pager' => 'less -R',
'doc_out' => 1,
@@ -152,163 +166,25 @@ MainLoop;
#my $wrapper = Text::Wrapper->new(columns=>$config{textwrap}, body_start=>'');
#$ENV{PAGER} = $config{pager};
-my $term=new Term::ReadLine "hmm, what goes here?";
-my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;
-#my $OUT = \*STDOUT;
sub go_to_url {
-my %commands = (
- 'url' => [sub { url($_[0]) }, 'Go to the specified URL.'],
- 'u' => [sub { url($_[0]) }, 'Alias of `url\''],
- 'urlrelative' => [sub { urlrelative($_[0]) }, "Navigate the current URL relatively.\n\n"
- ."Note: if the current path is '/blog/my-post1.gmi' and 'my-post2.gmi'\n" .
- "was supplied then the resulting path will be: '/blog/my-post2.gmi'\n" .
- "which is probably what you want. You can also use './my-post2.gmi'.\n" .
- "'.', of course, means 'same directory', in this case '/blog/'.\n\n" .
- "To remove the forward slash ('/') at the end of the current url,\n" .
- "type the back-slash ('\\') by itself.\n\n" .
- "urlrelative without an argument will remove the ending '/' or go\n" .
- "up a directory without appending a forward slash.\n" .
- "IE: '/blog/drafts/secret/post.gmi -> '/blog/drafts/secret' -> '/blog/drafts'"],
- 'ur' => [sub { urlrelative($_[0]) }, 'Alias of `urlrelative\''],
- 'cwu' => [sub { print $OUT "$current_url\n"; }, 'Returns the current working URL.'],
- 'c' => [sub { print $OUT "$current_url\n"; }, 'Alias of `cwu\'.'],
- 'links' => [sub { links() }, 'Returns the links on the current page.'],
- 'l' => [sub { links() }, 'Alias of `links\'.'],
- 'nav' => [sub { nav(0, $_[0]) }, 'Navigate to a link that is on the current page (use links)'],
- 'n' => [sub { nav(0, $_[0]) }, 'Alias of `nav\'.'],
- 'navh' => [sub { nav(1, $_[0]) }, 'Navigate to a URL specified from history (use hist)'],
- 'nh' => [sub { nav(1, $_[0]) }, 'Alias of `navh\'.'],
- 'navb' => [sub { nav(2, $_[0]) }, 'Navigate to a URL specified from bookmarks (use bookmarks)'],
- 'nb' => [sub { nav(2, $_[0]) }, 'Alias of `navh\'.'],
- 'root' => [sub { root() }, 'Go to the root of the current URL.\n' .
- 'Exp: gemini:// -> gemini://' ],
- 'hist' => [sub { hist() }, 'Returns history.' ],
- 'h' => [sub { hist() }, 'Alias of `hist\'.' ],
- 'back' => [sub { back(0) }, 'Go back in history, once. The previously accessed URI is cached.' ],
- 'b' => [sub { back(0) }, 'Alias of `back\'.' ],
- 'backnodisplay' => [sub { back(1) }, 'Go back in history but do not display the page' .
- '(still accesses the resource).' ],
- 'bd' => [sub { back(1) }, 'Alias of `backnodisplay\'.'],
- 'display' => [sub { display() }, 'Display the current page.' ],
- 'd' => [sub { display() }, 'Alias of `display\'.' ],
- 'usepager' => [sub { toggle($config{use_pager}) }, 'This toggles pager use. 1 = use pager, 0 = stdout.' ],
- 'pretty_links' => [sub { toggle($config{pretty_links}) }, "0 = do nothing, 1 = pretty."],
- 'pretty_headers' => [sub { toggle($config{pretty_headers}) }, "0 = do nothing, 1 = pretty."],
- 'textwrap' => [sub { textwrap($_[0]) }, "Set textwrap length.\nGiving 'auto' will " .
- "automatically determine the appropriate length."],
- 'pager' => [sub { pager($_[0],$_[1]) }, "Set which pager to use. (currently $config{pager})"],
- 'save-config' => [sub { save_config() }, 'Save the config settings.'],
- 'load-config' => [sub { load_config() }, "Load the config settings.\n" .
- 'This is not needed as the configs are loaded when the program is started.' ],
- 'help' => [sub { help($_[0]); }, 'Use help before a command to get extra info.' .
- '(<tab><tab> to see commands)'],
- 'ver' => [sub {print $OUT "$VERSION\n"}, "Returns the version ($VERSION)"],
- 'exit' => [sub {begin_exit();}, "This exits the program with a status code of 0."],
- 'autoredirection' => [sub { value_number($config{auto_redirect},$_[0],'autoredirect') },
- "The amount of times this program is allowed to auto redirect. 0 = none."],
- 'timeout' => [sub { value_number($config{timeout},$_[0],'timeout') },
- "The client will time out when the server takes too long." ],
- 'clearquery' => [sub { clear_query() }, "Removes query from current URL"],
- 'cq' => [sub { clear_query() }, "Alias of `clearquery'"],
- 'reload' => [sub {url($current_url)}, "Reload the current URL."],
- 'r' => [sub {url($current_url)}, "Alias of `reload'."],
- 'cert-create' => [sub { cert_create() }, "Create a cert. Interactive."],
- 'cert-use' => [sub { cert_use() }, "Use a cert. Interactive.\n" .
- "If a cert has already been loaded, it will unload it."],
- 'cert-del' => [sub {cert_del() }, "Delete a cert. Interactive." ],
- 'keep-history' => [sub {toggle($config{keep_history})}, 'Toggle whether to save history to disk or not,' .
- ' after \'exit\'. By default it does not.' ],
- 'clear-history' => [sub { undef(@history) }, 'Clears your history. (The file itself is very parsable)' ],
- 'bookmark-add' => [sub { bookmark_add($_[0]) }, 'Add bookmark. ' .
- 'No argument means the current url, otherwise what was supplied.'],
- 'bookmark-del' => [sub { bookmark_del($_[0]) }, 'Delete bookmark by number' .
- ' (use \'bookmarks\' to see numbers).'],
- 'bookmarks' => [sub { bookmarks(); }, 'Returns your bookmarks. Use \'nb\' or \'navb\' along with this.'],
-#my @completions = keys %commands;
-#$term->Attribs->{'completion_entry_function'} = $term->Attribs->{'list_completion_function'};
-#$term->Attribs->{'completion_word'} = \@completions;
-#$prompt = "$current_url > ";
-##print $OUT " Copyright (C) 2022 Jake Thoughts\n";
-##print $OUT "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n";
-##print $OUT "This is free software, and you are welcome to redisdtribute it\n";
-##print $OUT "under certain conditions. See COPYING for details.\n";
-##print $OUT "Press <tab><tab> to see available commands.\n";
-##while ( defined ($_ = $term->readline($prompt)) ) {
-## if ($_) {
-## my ($command, $detail, @other_details) = split(/\s/, $_);
-## do_command(\$command, \$detail, @other_details);
-## }
-## $prompt = "$current_url > ";
-#sub do_command {
-# # referenced command, referenced arg, additional args
-# my ($rCmd, $rArg, $rArgs) = @_;
-# ### @_
-# # checking if %commands even has the command
-# if (exists $commands{$$rCmd}) {
-# # assigning a reference to a subroutine to the value
-# my $rsub = $commands{$$rCmd}[0];
-# #running the subroutine
-# &$rsub($$rArg,$rArgs);
-# }
-# # options doesn't have the command
-# else {
-# print $OUT "Command is invalid.\n";
-# }
-#sub help {
-# my ($cmd) = @_;
-# ### @_
-# if ($cmd and exists $commands{$cmd}) {
-# print $OUT "$commands{$cmd}[1]\n";
-# } elsif ($cmd) {
-# print $OUT "`$cmd' isn't an avaliable command.\n";
-# }
-# else {
-# print $OUT "$commands{help}[1]\n"
-# }
+sub show_to_user {
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ my $window=$top->Toplevel(
+ -title=>'Gmi'
+ );
+ my $label=$window->Label(
+ -text=>"$text",
+ )->pack();
sub url {
my ($url) = @_;
### $url
- if (!$url) { print("Example: [gemini://]\n"); return 1;}
+ if (!$url) { show_to_user("Example: [gemini://]\n"); return 1;}
if (! has_scheme($url) ) {
$url = "gemini://$url";
@@ -317,7 +193,7 @@ sub url {
$url = parse_url($url);
if ($@) {
- print $OUT "$@\n";
+ show_to_user( "$@\n");
return 0;
@@ -384,7 +260,7 @@ sub url {
if ($@) {
- print $OUT "Timed out after $config{timeout} seconds - server is taking too long.\n";
+ show_to_user( "Timed out after $config{timeout} seconds - server is taking too long.\n");
update_history( ["$current_url", "timed out"] );
### @doc
} else {
@@ -392,12 +268,12 @@ sub url {
else {
- print $OUT "Not connecting\n";
+ show_to_user( "Not connecting\n");
else {
- print $OUT "error=$!, ssl_error=$SSL_ERROR\n";
+ show_to_user( "error=$!, ssl_error=$SSL_ERROR\n");
@@ -409,7 +285,7 @@ sub peer_cert {
my ($cl, $hostname) = @_;
# ## before CERT_asHash
my @peer_certs = $cl->peer_certificates;
- #print $OUT Dumper(\@peer_certs);
+ #show_to_user( Dumper(\@peer_certs));
# if the server sends us more than ONE cert then I am baffled as to why but it happens
my $peer_cert = CERT_asHash($peer_certs[0]);
@@ -425,7 +301,7 @@ sub peer_cert {
### $verify_hostname
if (! $verify_hostname) {
- print $OUT "The server offers a cert that doesn't match their domain name.\n";
+ show_to_user( "The server offers a cert that doesn't match their domain name.\n");
return 0;
@@ -438,11 +314,11 @@ sub peer_cert {
else {
# fingerprint NOT same
- print $OUT colored("!!! THE HOST'S FINGERPRINT IS NOT THE SAME !!!\n", 'bright_red');
- print $OUT "Do you still wish to connect to it? y/N ";
+ show_to_user( colored("!!! THE HOST'S FINGERPRINT IS NOT THE SAME !!!\n", 'bright_red'));
+ show_to_user( "Do you still wish to connect to it? y/N ");
chomp(my $yORn = <STDIN>);
if (lc $yORn eq 'y') {
- print $OUT "Would you like to replace the known_hosts fingerprint with this one? y/N ";
+ show_to_user( "Would you like to replace the known_hosts fingerprint with this one? y/N ");
chomp(my $yORn = <STDIN>);
if (lc $yORn eq 'y') {
$known_hosts{$hostname} = $peer_fingerprint;
@@ -465,7 +341,7 @@ sub peer_cert {
else {
### expired!
- print $OUT "The host has an expired certificate. Connect anyway? y/N ";
+ show_to_user( "The host has an expired certificate. Connect anyway? y/N ");
chomp(my $yORn = <STDIN>);
if (lc $yORn eq 'y') {
@@ -498,60 +374,60 @@ sub follow_status_code {
else {
- print $OUT $bad_code;
+ show_to_user( $bad_code);
} elsif ($status_code1 == 1) {
if ($status_code2 == 0) {
- print $OUT "Server wants you to type something:\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "Server wants you to type something:\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 1) {
- print $OUT "Server wants you to type something secretly (do note: not secure):\n@doc";
- ReadMode 2;
+ show_to_user( "Server wants you to type something secretly (do note: not secure):\n@doc");
+ #ReadMode 2;
} else {
- print $bad_code;
- print $OUT "\nPresumably, the server wants you to type something:\n";
+ show_to_user("$bad_code");
+ show_to_user( "\nPresumably, the server wants you to type something:\n");
chomp(my $input = <STDIN>);
$input = uri_encode($input);
- ReadMode 1;
+ #ReadMode 1;
} elsif ($status_code1 == 3) {
- print $bad_code if ($status_code2 !~ m/^0|1$/); # not worrying about permanent/temporary yet
- print $OUT "Redirecting anyway.\n" if ($status_code2 !~ m/^0|1$/);
+ show_to_user($bad_code) if ($status_code2 !~ m/^0|1$/); # not worrying about permanent/temporary yet
+ show_to_user( "Redirecting anyway.\n") if ($status_code2 !~ m/^0|1$/);
if ($config{auto_redirect}) {
if ($auto_redirect_count < $config{auto_redirect}) {
- print $OUT "Redirection...\n";
+ show_to_user( "Redirection...\n");
### @status_code
access_resource($status_code[1]); # redirection can be './hello.gmi'
else {
- print $OUT "Reached limit for auto redirection.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "Reached limit for auto redirection.\n@doc");
else {
- print $OUT "The server wants to redirect us, however, autoredirect has turned off.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "The server wants to redirect us, however, autoredirect has turned off.\n@doc");
$auto_redirect_count = 0;
} elsif ($status_code1 == 4) {
if ($status_code2 == 0) {
- print $OUT "Temporary failure.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "Temporary failure.\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 1) {
- print $OUT "Server is unavailable (yet somehow sent a reply to us).\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "Server is unavailable (yet somehow sent a reply to us).\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 2) {
- print $OUT "Server's CGI script is broken.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "Server's CGI script is broken.\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 3) {
- print $OUT "Server was unable to proxy content.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "Server was unable to proxy content.\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 4) {
if (!$sleep) {
$sleep = 5;
- print $OUT "Server wants us to slow down.\n" .
+ show_to_user("Server wants us to slow down.\n" .
"Reconnecting after $sleep seconds\n" .
"Press 'ctrl-C' to cancel sleep\n" .
- "@doc\n";
+ "@doc\n");
eval {
local $SIG{INT} = sub { die "Cancelling Sleep!\n" };
sleep ($sleep); # give the server an extra second
@@ -559,125 +435,125 @@ sub follow_status_code {
else {
- print $OUT "The server is asking us to slow down and try again.\n" .
- "We have already done this once: not doing it again.\n";
+ show_to_user("The server is asking us to slow down and try again.\n" .
+ "We have already done this once: not doing it again.\n");
else {
- print $bad_code;
+ show_to_user("$bad_code");
} elsif ($status_code1 == 5) {
if ($status_code2 == 0) {
- print $OUT "Permanent failure. Requests to this URI will reliably fail.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "Permanent failure. Requests to this URI will reliably fail.\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 1) {
- print $OUT "Not found. Not available but *may* be in the future\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "Not found. Not available but *may* be in the future\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 2) {
- print $OUT "Gone. This resource will not be available again.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "Gone. This resource will not be available again.\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 3) {
- print $OUT "Proxy Request Refused. Resource not served by this server and this\n" .
- "server does not accept proxy requests.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user("Proxy Request Refused. Resource not served by this server and this\n" .
+ "server does not accept proxy requests.\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 9) {
- print $OUT "Bad Request. The server is unable to parse our request.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "Bad Request. The server is unable to parse our request.\n@doc");
else {
- print $bad_code;
+ show_to_user($bad_code);
} elsif ($status_code1 == 6) {
if ($status_code2 == 0) {
- print $OUT "The server is asking you for a certificate. (cert-use to load a cert)\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "The server is asking you for a certificate. (cert-use to load a cert)\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 1) {
- print $OUT "The certificate you supplied is not authorized to access this resource.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "The certificate you supplied is not authorized to access this resource.\n@doc");
} elsif ($status_code2 == 2) {
- print $OUT "The certificate you supplied is malformed. There is something wrong with it.\n@doc";
+ show_to_user( "The certificate you supplied is malformed. There is something wrong with it.\n@doc");
else {
- print $OUT $bad_code;
+ show_to_user( $bad_code);
else {
- print $OUT $bad_code;
+ show_to_user( $bad_code);
### @status_code;
-sub urlrelative {
- my ($urlr) = @_;
- if (! $urlr) { $urlr = ""}
- if (! $current_url) {print $OUT "Relative movement impossible: no current URL.\n"; return 1;}
- my $end_with_slash = 1 if ($urlr =~ m|/$|);
- my $dot_only = 1 if ($urlr =~ m|^\.$|);
- my $dot_2_only = 1 if ($urlr =~ m|^\.\.$|); # since we are going up into a dir
- my $c_url_directory = 1 if ($current_url =~ m|/$|);
- my $remove_slash = 1 if ($urlr =~ m|^\\$|); # back slash \ not a forward slash /
- ### is urlr a slash only ?
- if ($urlr =~ m|^/$|) { # if slash only
- $current_url .= "/";
- url("$current_url");
- return 0;
- }
- ### remove slash ?
- if ($remove_slash) {
- substr($current_url,-1,1,'');
- ### $current_url
- url($current_url);
- return 0;
- }
- ### is the current url a directory?
- if ($c_url_directory) {
- $current_url .= "$urlr";
- my $c_p_url = parse_url($current_url);
- ### $c_p_url
- # if $urlr has '..' then normalize_path will not go beyond the last element
- # which is why prefixing a '/' and then taking it away (parse_url doesnt have
- # the forward / ) will result in expected behavior as host always end with '/'
- $c_p_url->{path} = normalize_path("/" . $c_p_url->{path});
- if ($end_with_slash or $dot_only or $dot_2_only) {
- $c_p_url->{path} .= "/"; # normalize path will remove it
- }
- substr($c_p_url->{path},0,1,'');
- if ($c_p_url->{path} eq '/') {
- delete $c_p_url->{path}; # dont want to ask for 'gemini://'
- }
- url(return_url($c_p_url));
- return 0;
- }
- ### current url is not a directory, so should be fine to remove last item on path
- # ^ some servers serve index page on 'dir' rather than 'dir/' :v annoying
- # authors using servers like that will notice that the links on index page need to be
- # carefully managed, because ALL clients (that handle links correctly) *will* mess up.
- if (! $c_url_directory) {
- my $c_p_url = parse_url($current_url);
- ### $c_p_url
- my $c_paths_url = split_url_path($c_p_url->{path}, 256);
- ### $c_paths_url
- pop(@$c_paths_url);
- ### $c_paths_url
- delete ($c_p_url->{path});
- for (@$c_paths_url) {
- $c_p_url->{path} .= "$_/";
- }
- ### $c_p_url
- $c_p_url->{path} .= "$urlr";
- $c_p_url->{path} = normalize_path("/" . "$c_p_url->{path}");
- if ($end_with_slash or $dot_only or $dot_2_only) {
- $c_p_url->{path} .= "/"; # normalize path will remove it
- }
- substr($c_p_url->{path},0,1,'');
- if ($c_p_url->{path} eq '/') {
- delete $c_p_url->{path}; # dont want to ask for 'gemini://'
- }
- ### $c_p_url
- url(return_url($c_p_url));
- return 0;
- }
+#sub urlrelative {
+# my ($urlr) = @_;
+# if (! $urlr) { $urlr = ""}
+# if (! $current_url) {show_to_user( "Relative movement impossible: no current URL.\n"); return 1;}
+# my $end_with_slash = 1 if ($urlr =~ m|/$|);
+# my $dot_only = 1 if ($urlr =~ m|^\.$|);
+# my $dot_2_only = 1 if ($urlr =~ m|^\.\.$|); # since we are going up into a dir
+# my $c_url_directory = 1 if ($current_url =~ m|/$|);
+# my $remove_slash = 1 if ($urlr =~ m|^\\$|); # back slash \ not a forward slash /
+# ### is urlr a slash only ?
+# if ($urlr =~ m|^/$|) { # if slash only
+# $current_url .= "/";
+# url("$current_url");
+# return 0;
+# }
+# ### remove slash ?
+# if ($remove_slash) {
+# substr($current_url,-1,1,'');
+# ### $current_url
+# url($current_url);
+# return 0;
+# }
+# ### is the current url a directory?
+# if ($c_url_directory) {
+# $current_url .= "$urlr";
+# my $c_p_url = parse_url($current_url);
+# ### $c_p_url
+# # if $urlr has '..' then normalize_path will not go beyond the last element
+# # which is why prefixing a '/' and then taking it away (parse_url doesnt have
+# # the forward / ) will result in expected behavior as host always end with '/'
+# $c_p_url->{path} = normalize_path("/" . $c_p_url->{path});
+# if ($end_with_slash or $dot_only or $dot_2_only) {
+# $c_p_url->{path} .= "/"; # normalize path will remove it
+# }
+# substr($c_p_url->{path},0,1,'');
+# if ($c_p_url->{path} eq '/') {
+# delete $c_p_url->{path}; # dont want to ask for 'gemini://'
+# }
+# url(return_url($c_p_url));
+# return 0;
+# }
+# ### current url is not a directory, so should be fine to remove last item on path
+# # ^ some servers serve index page on 'dir' rather than 'dir/' :v annoying
+# # authors using servers like that will notice that the links on index page need to be
+# # carefully managed, because ALL clients (that handle links correctly) *will* mess up.
+# if (! $c_url_directory) {
+# my $c_p_url = parse_url($current_url);
+# ### $c_p_url
+# my $c_paths_url = split_url_path($c_p_url->{path}, 256);
+# ### $c_paths_url
+# pop(@$c_paths_url);
+# ### $c_paths_url
+# delete ($c_p_url->{path});
+# for (@$c_paths_url) {
+# $c_p_url->{path} .= "$_/";
+# }
+# ### $c_p_url
+# $c_p_url->{path} .= "$urlr";
+# $c_p_url->{path} = normalize_path("/" . "$c_p_url->{path}");
+# if ($end_with_slash or $dot_only or $dot_2_only) {
+# $c_p_url->{path} .= "/"; # normalize path will remove it
+# }
+# substr($c_p_url->{path},0,1,'');
+# if ($c_p_url->{path} eq '/') {
+# delete $c_p_url->{path}; # dont want to ask for 'gemini://'
+# }
+# ### $c_p_url
+# url(return_url($c_p_url));
+# return 0;
+# }
sub return_url {
my ($url) = @_;
@@ -740,22 +616,22 @@ sub get_links {
-sub hist {
- my $hist;
- my $counter = 1;
- ### @history
- for my $item (@history) {
- ### $item
- $hist .= "[$counter] ". colored("$$item[0]", 'underline') ." $$item[1]\n";
- $counter++;
- }
- if ($hist) {
- print $OUT $hist;
- }
- else {
- print $OUT "\n";
- }
+#sub hist {
+# my $hist;
+# my $counter = 1;
+# ### @history
+# for my $item (@history) {
+# ### $item
+# $hist .= "[$counter] ". colored("$$item[0]", 'underline') ." $$item[1]\n";
+# $counter++;
+# }
+# if ($hist) {
+# show_to_user( $hist);
+# }
+# else {
+# show_to_user( "\n");
+# }
sub update_history {
my ($history) = @_;
@@ -770,10 +646,10 @@ sub links {
if ($d) {
- print $OUT $d;
+ show_to_user( $d);
else {
- print $OUT "No links.\n";
+ show_to_user( "No links.\n");
@@ -786,8 +662,8 @@ sub nav {
### $setting
### @_
if (! $n or $n !~ /\d+/) {
- print $OUT "Try 'links', 'hist', or 'bookmarks' then 'navY X', where x is the number and Y. " .
- "is nav mode.\n";
+ #print $OUT "Try 'links', 'hist', or 'bookmarks' then 'navY X', where x is the number and Y. " .
+ #"is nav mode.\n";
return 1;
$n -= 1;
@@ -802,7 +678,7 @@ sub nav {
$link = $bookmarks[$n];
else {
- print $OUT "'" . ($n+1) ."' isn't available.\n";
+ show_to_user( "'" . ($n+1) ."' isn't available.\n");
return 1;
@@ -896,7 +772,7 @@ sub back {
else {
- print $OUT "No such history there.";
+ show_to_user( "No such history there.");
### @history
@@ -905,40 +781,38 @@ sub back {
sub display {
$t->delete('0.0', 'end');
- $t->insert('0.0', "@doc");
-# if ($config{pager_text_wrap_auto}) {
-# my ($wc) = GetTerminalSize();
-# $wrapper->columns($wc);
-# }
-# if ($config{use_pager}) {
-# ### opening IO Pager
-# eval {
-# # catch it or big files ( >1000 lines ) will load but the script itself dies for some reason
-# local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die };
-# IO::Pager::open(my $FH) or warn($!);
-# for (@doc) {
-# _pre_block($_);
-# if ($pre_block) {
-# print $FH $_;
-# }
-# else {
-# print $FH $wrapper->wrap($_);
-# }
-# }
-# close $FH;
-# };
-# }
-# else {
-# for (@doc) {
-# _pre_block($_);
-# if ($pre_block) {
-# print $OUT $_;
-# }
-# else {
-# print $OUT $wrapper->wrap($_);
-# }
-# }
-# }
+ my $counter = 0;
+ foreach my $line (@doc) {
+ _pre_block($line);
+ if ((substr($line,0,2)) eq '=>' and not $pre_block) {
+ $line =~ m/^=>[\s]*([\w\d\-\\\/\.\:\~\?\=\#]+)[\s]*(.+)?$/;
+ if ($2) {
+ $line = colored("[". ($counter+1) . _is_not_scheme_gemini($1) . "]",'underline') . " $2\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $line = colored("[" . ($counter+1) . _is_not_scheme_gemini($1) . "]",'underline') . " $1\n";
+ }
+ $t->insert('end', "$line", "URL$counter");
+ $counter++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $t->insert('end', "$line");
+ }
+ }
+ #print Dumper($t->tagNames());
+ for my $item ($t->tagNames()) {
+ if (substr($item,0,3) eq 'URL') {
+ $t->tagBind("$item", '<Any-Enter>'=> sub {shift->tagConfigure("$item",@bold)});
+ $t->tagBind("$item", '<Any-Leave>'=> sub {shift->tagConfigure("$item",@normal)});
+ $item =~ m/^URL(\d+)+$/;
+ my $number = $1;
+ $t->tagBind("$item", '<1>', sub {nav(0,($number+1))});
+ }
+ }
+ # Author's note: ^ do not touch unless you know why I did what I did.
+ # Absolutely maddening. ... You'd think a while loop and incrementing
+ # $counter (after setting to 0) and doing "URL$counter" would work
+ # but actually that doesn't work at all, and I don't know why.
sub toggle {
@@ -951,61 +825,7 @@ sub toggle {
$t = 1;
if (! $_[1]) {
- print $OUT "$t\n";
- }
-#sub textwrap {
-# my ($c) = @_;
-# if ($c and $c =~ m/^\d+$/) {
-# $config{textwrap} = $c;
-# $wrapper->columns($c);
-# $config{pager_text_wrap_auto} = 0;
-# } elsif ($c and $c eq 'auto') {
-# $config{pager_text_wrap_auto} = 1;
-# }
-# else {
-# if ($config{pager_text_wrap_auto}) {
-# my ($c) = GetTerminalSize();
-# print("[AUTO] $c\n");
-# }
-# else {
-# print "$config{textwrap}\n";
-# }
-# }
-sub pager {
- my ($p,@other) = @_;
- ### @other
- if ($p) {
- $config{pager} = $p;
- if ($other[0]) {
- for (@other) {
- $config{pager} .= " $_";
- }
- }
- print $OUT "save-config, and restart the program for change to take effect.\n";
- }
- else {
- print $OUT "$config{pager}\n";
- }
-sub pretty_links {
- my $counter = 1;
- for (@doc) {
- _pre_block($_);
- if ((substr($_,0,2)) eq '=>' and not $pre_block) {
- $_ =~ m/^=>[\s]*([\w\d\-\\\/\.\:\~\?\=\#]+)[\s]*(.+)?$/;
- if ($2) {
- $_ = colored("[$counter" . _is_not_scheme_gemini($1) . "]",'underline') . " $2\n";
- }
- else {
- $_ = colored("[$counter" . _is_not_scheme_gemini($1) . "]",'underline') . " $1\n";
- }
- $counter++;
- }
+ show_to_user( "$t\n");
@@ -1049,7 +869,7 @@ sub value_number {
my $numb = $_[1];
my $k = $_[2];
$v = $numb if ($numb =~ m/^\d*$/);
- print $OUT "$k is now: $v\n";
+ show_to_user( "$k is now: $v\n");
### @_
@@ -1065,24 +885,24 @@ sub cert_create {
if (! -e "$xdg_data/certs") {
- print $OUT "What should the profile name be? ";
+ show_to_user( "What should the profile name be? ");
chomp(my $input = <STDIN>);
$input =~ tr|/|.|;
if (-e "$xdg_data/certs/$input") {
- print $OUT "Sorry, but that already exists.\n";
+ show_to_user( "Sorry, but that already exists.\n");
else {
- print $OUT "What should the commonName be? (it will be used to identify you easily) ";
+ show_to_user( "What should the commonName be? (it will be used to identify you easily) ");
chomp(my $common_name = <STDIN>);
my $expire;
while (1) {
- print $OUT "When should this expire? (1s, 1h, 1d, 1m, 1y, 0s (cancel)) ";
+ show_to_user( "When should this expire? (1s, 1h, 1d, 1m, 1y, 0s (cancel)) ");
chomp($expire = <STDIN>);
if ($expire =~ m/^(\d+)+(\w)$/) {
if (lc $2 eq 's') {
if ($1 == 0) {
- print $OUT "Cancelling.\n";
+ show_to_user( "Cancelling.\n");
return 1;
@@ -1131,20 +951,20 @@ sub cert_use {
my $counter = 1;
my @profiles;
if (! -e "$xdg_data/certs") {
- print $OUT "You need to create a cert first: 'cert-create'.\n";
+ show_to_user( "You need to create a cert first: 'cert-create'.\n");
return 1;
for (read_dir("$xdg_data/certs")) {
- print $OUT "[$counter] $_\n";
+ show_to_user( "[$counter] $_\n");
push(@profiles, "$_");
if (! @profiles) {
- print $OUT "You need to create a cert first: 'cert-create'.\n";
+ show_to_user( "You need to create a cert first: 'cert-create'.\n");
return 1;
- print $OUT "Which profile? ";
+ show_to_user( "Which profile? ");
chomp(my $input = <STDIN>);
if ($input) {
@@ -1157,71 +977,71 @@ sub cert_use {
$key = "$xdg_data/certs/$profiles[$input-1]/key.pem";
if ($@) {
- print $OUT "Something is wrong with the certificate/key. Will not use.\n$@";
+ show_to_user( "Something is wrong with the certificate/key. Will not use.\n$@");
$cert = "";
$key = "";
else {
- print $OUT "Cert and Key loaded.\n";
+ show_to_user( "Cert and Key loaded.\n");
else {
- print $OUT "Did not load anything.\n";
+ show_to_user( "Did not load anything.\n");
else {
- print $OUT "Unloading cert and key.\n";
+ show_to_user( "Unloading cert and key.\n");
sub cert_del {
if (! -e "$xdg_data/certs") {
- print $OUT "You need to create a cert first: 'cert-create'.\n";
+ show_to_user( "You need to create a cert first: 'cert-create'.\n");
return 0;
my $counter = 1;
my @profiles;
for (read_dir("$xdg_data/certs")) {
- print $OUT "[$counter] $_\n";
+ show_to_user( "[$counter] $_\n");
push(@profiles, "$_");
if (! @profiles) {
- print $OUT "You need to create a cert first: 'cert-create'.\n";
+ show_to_user( "You need to create a cert first: 'cert-create'.\n");
return 0;
- print $OUT "Delete which profile? ";
+ show_to_user( "Delete which profile? ");
chomp(my $input = <STDIN>);
if ($input) {
- print $OUT "Are you sure you want to delete $profiles[$input-1]/? y/N";
+ show_to_user( "Are you sure you want to delete $profiles[$input-1]/? y/N");
chomp(my $yORn = <STDIN>);
if (lc $yORn eq 'y') {
if ($!) {
- print $OUT "Unable to delete profile.\n$!\n";
+ show_to_user( "Unable to delete profile.\n$!\n");
else {
- print $OUT "Profile '$profiles[$input-1]' succesfully deleted.\n";
+ show_to_user( "Profile '$profiles[$input-1]' succesfully deleted.\n");
else {
- print $OUT "Nothing is deleted.\n";
+ show_to_user( "Nothing is deleted.\n");
else {
- print $OUT "Nothing is deleted.\n";
+ show_to_user( "Nothing is deleted.\n");
sub bookmarks {
my $counter = 1;
for (@bookmarks) {
- print $OUT "[$counter] $_\n";
+ show_to_user( "[$counter] $_\n");
@@ -1230,13 +1050,13 @@ sub bookmark_del {
my ($b) = @_;
if ($b and $b =~ m/^\d+$/) {
if ($bookmarks[$b-1]) {
- print $OUT "Removing $bookmarks[$b-1]";
+ show_to_user( "Removing $bookmarks[$b-1]");
### @bookmarks
else {
- print $OUT "Doing nothing.";
+ show_to_user( "Doing nothing.");
@@ -1262,7 +1082,7 @@ sub load_config {
if (-e "$xdg_config/config.toml") {
($config, $err) = from_toml(read_text("$xdg_config/config.toml"));
unless ($config) {
- print $OUT "Error parsing toml: $err\n";
+ show_to_user( "Error parsing toml: $err\n");
### $config