# Jake's Gemini Client This program is written with the latest version of Perl5. It has several dependencies which can be easily installed via cpan or cpanm. ## To use * Make sure you have the latest Perl installed * get the dependencies: sudo cpanm IO::Socket::SSL URL::XS IO::Pager Text::Wraper Term::ReadKey Path::Naive Text::ParseWords Term::ReadLine Smart::Comments URI::Encode IO::Socket::SSL::Utils File::Slurper File::BaseDir TOML You should check the script to make sure that the decency list is up to date. ## Usage Press twice to see the list of available commands. Use help in front of the command to get a description of what it does. Use 'url', or it's alias, 'u' and type out a destination. ## GUI You can get an experimental GUI version of this program by: $ git clone -b tk-gui Please note that the GUI version of this software is EXPERIMENTAL and should not be considered a final product. It IS subject to change. ## Windows I do not know if this software will work on Windows. I believe one of the dependencies is not Windows friendly but I forget which.