diff options
authorjake <jake@jakes-mail.top>2022-01-15 08:25:04 -0500
committerjake <jake@jakes-mail.top>2022-01-15 08:25:04 -0500
commit6169229b129ad6c65629114a394241468828d9e2 (patch)
parent60b7e9176ca8ad029d70a9c644fa7fd365df74b3 (diff)
Add help, some commands, and aliases. Made do_command() less dumb
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/gmi.pl b/gmi.pl
index c397eb0..2de0eb8 100755
--- a/gmi.pl
+++ b/gmi.pl
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use bytes;
use feature qw(refaliasing);
no warnings qw(experimental::refaliasing);
-our $VERSION = 'v0.0.13';
+our $VERSION = 'v0.0.14';
# back() only works once; should fix this
@@ -37,24 +37,50 @@ my @history;
my $prompt = "gmi> ";
my %commands = (
- 'url' => sub { url($_[0]) },
- 'cwu' => sub { cwu() },
- 'links' => sub { links() },
- 'nav' => sub { nav(0, $_[0]) },
- 'navh' => sub { nav(1, $_[0]) },
- 'root' => sub { root() },
- 'hist' => sub { hist() },
- 'back' => sub { back(0) },
- 'backnodisplay' => sub { back(1) },
- 'display' => sub { display() },
- 'aaa' => sub { aaa() },
- 'usepager' => sub { toggle('pager') },
- 'textwrap' => sub { textwrap($_[0]) },
- 'pager' => sub { pager($_[0]) },
- 'save' => sub { ; },
- 'help' => sub { ; },
+ 'url' => [sub { url($_[0]) }, 'Go to the specified URL.'],
+ 'u' => [sub { url($_[0]) }, 'Alias of `url\''],
+ 'cwu' => [sub { cwu() }, 'Returns the current working URL.'],
+ 'c' => [sub { cwu() }, 'Alias of `cwu\'.'],
+ 'links' => [sub { links() }, 'Returns the links on the current page.'],
+ 'l' => [sub { links() }, 'Alias of `links\'.'],
+ 'nav' => [sub { nav(0, $_[0]) }, 'Navigate to a link that is on the current page (use links)'],
+ 'n' => [sub { nav(0, $_[0]) }, 'Alias of `nav\'.'],
+ 'navh' => [sub { nav(1, $_[0]) }, 'Navigate to a URL specified from history (use hist)'],
+ 'nh' => [sub { nav(1, $_[0]) }, 'Alias of `navh\'.'],
+ 'root' => [sub { root() }, 'Go to the root of the current URL.\n' .
+ 'Exp: gemini://capsule.com/blog/2020112.gmi -> gemini://capsule.com/' ],
+ 'hist' => [sub { hist() }, 'Returns history.' ],
+ 'h' => [sub { hist() }, 'Alias of `hist\'.' ],
+ 'back' => [sub { back(0) }, 'Go back in history.' ],
+ 'b' => [sub { back(0) }, 'Alias of `back\'.' ],
+ 'backnodisplay' => [sub { back(1) }, 'Go back in history but do not display the page' .
+ '(still accesses the resource).' ],
+ 'bd' => [sub { back(1) }, 'Alias of `backnodisplay\'.'],
+ 'display' => [sub { display() }, 'Display the current page.' ],
+ 'd' => [sub { display() }, 'Alias of `display\'.' ],
+ 'aaa' => [sub { aaa() }, "This command returns `aaa'." ],
+ 'usepager' => [sub { toggle('pager') }, 'This toggles pager use. 1 = use pager, 0 = stdout.' ],
+ 'textwrap' => [sub { textwrap($_[0]) }, 'Set textwrap length.\nGiving \'auto\' will ' .
+ "automatically determine the appropriate length. (Currently $wrapper->{columns})"],
+ 'pager' => [sub { pager($_[0]) }, "Set which pager to use. (currently $ENV{pager})"],
+ 'save' => [sub { ; }, 'Save the config settings. (Not yet implimented)'],
+ 'help' => [sub { help($_[0]); }, 'Use help before a command to get extra info.'],
+ 'cmds' => [sub {cmds()}, 'Returns the available commands.'],
+ 'ver' => [sub {print "$VERSION\n"}, "Returns the version ($VERSION)"],
+ 'exit' => [sub {exit 0;}, "This exits the program with a status code of 0."],
+print "Type 'cmds' to see available commands.\n";
while () {
print "$prompt";
@@ -62,31 +88,44 @@ while () {
### $input
if ($input) {
- my ($command, $option) = split(/\s/, $input);
- do_command(\$command, \%commands, \$option);
+ my ($command, $detail) = split(/\s/, $input);
+ do_command(\$command, \$detail);
sub do_command {
- # referenced command, referenced options, referenced option
- my ($rCmd, $rhCommands, $rOption) = @_;
+ # referenced command, referenced detail
+ my ($rCmd, $rDetail) = @_;
- # checking if options even has the command
- if (exists $rhCommands->{$$rCmd}) {
+ ### @_
+ # checking if %commands even has the command
+ if (exists $commands{$$rCmd}) {
# assigning a reference to a subroutine to the value
- my $rsub = $rhCommands->{$$rCmd};
+ my $rsub = $commands{$$rCmd}[0];
#running the subroutine
- &$rsub($$rOption);
+ &$rsub($$rDetail);
# options doesn't have the command
else {
- ### @_
print "Command is invalid.\n";
+sub help {
+ my ($cmd) = @_;
+ ### @_
+ if ($cmd and exists $commands{$cmd}) {
+ print "$commands{$cmd}[1]\n";
+ } elsif ($cmd) {
+ print "`$cmd' isn't an avaliable command.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "$commands{help}[1]\n"
+ }
sub url {
my ($url) = @_;
if (!$url) { print("Example: [gemini://]capsule.com/\n"); return 0;}
@@ -342,3 +381,11 @@ sub pager {
+sub cmds {
+ my $c;
+ for (sort keys %commands) {
+ $c .= "$_ ";
+ }
+ print $wrapper->wrap($c);